javascript / K345 / number conversion & validation


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Convert a (formatted) string into a numeric value. Default output is decimal (radix=10); if a radix parameter is provided and radix is an integer 2 radix 36, the output value will be converted to that numeral system.
Spaces, dots and commas may be used as grouping chars and / or as decimal point (see rules table).


Number|NaN num = K345.numString2Number(String numString [, Integer radix=10]);

Conversion rules

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String containsChars will be treated as
spacesgrouping chars
two ore more dots; no commas
two ore more commas; no dots
exactly one commadecimal point
exactly one dot
mixed commas & dotslast dot / comma as decimal point
any other as grouping chars


usage examples
dec = K345.numString2Number('10000001');   // 10000001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10 000 001'); // 10000001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10,000,001'); // 10000001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10.000.001'); // 10000001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10000.001');  // 10000.001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10000,001');  // 10000.001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10 000.001'); // 10000.001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10,000.001'); // 10000.001
dec = K345.numString2Number('10.000,001'); // 10000.001


Converts a string containing a numeral representation to a decimal value, if the string is valid.

This method can be used to process user input, e.g. from an <input> element. If the user input is not valid by the rules of chosen numeral system or if the user input is valid, but the chosen numeral system is disabled, this method returns NaN. With the second parameter types of accepted numeral strings can be enabled/disabled. Behavior can be tested in a test area below.

Input types can be:


Number|NaN decimal = K345.numericInput(String numString [, Object enabledNumSystems]);

String syntax

K345.numericInput() recognizes the numeral system according to certain syntax rules as described below. It is possible to group chars of the numeral string with spaces, e.g. "0b 1011 0101 1101" or "31 415 926 535 E -10" or "MM CM XL IV".

numeral systemsyntax rules
Decimalstring composed of 0-9, optionally prefixed by 0d.
Binarystring composed of 0 and 1, prefixed by 0b.
Octalstring composed of 0-7, prefixed by 0o.
Hexadecimalstring composed of 0-9 and A-F, prefixed by 0x or #.
Scientific E notationstring composed of value followed by E followed by exponent of base 10.
Exponential notationstring composed of value followed by ^ or pow or ** followed by exponent.
Root notationstring composed of root degree (optional, defaults to 2 → square root), followed by or root or rt, followed by value.
Romansee K345.parseRoman.
Other systemsstring composed of valid chars for selected numeral system; followed by sytem base in the range of 2 to 36, surrounded by square brackets.
Booleanboolean true or false; strings "true" or "false"
color index:
placeholder for value; literal char(s) or words; definition or default

char values for numeral systems:
A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15, G=16, H=17, I=18, J=19, K=20, L=21, M=22, N=23, O=24, P=25, Q=26, R=27, S=28, T=29, U=30, V=31, W=32, X=33, Y=34, Z=35,

Valid char values for each numeral system are 0 to (base - 1).
Examples: If base is 5, only 0-4 are valid chars. If base is 16 (hex), only 0-15 (chars 0-9 plus letters A-F) are valid. If base is 22, only 0-21 (chars 0-9 plus letters A-L) are valid.


Show usage examples
o = {all: true}; // enable all numeral system conversions

// hexadecimal
dec = K345.numericInput('0xFF', o);         // 255
dec = K345.numericInput('-0xA0', o);        // -160
dec = K345.numericInput('#FF', o);          // 255
// binary
dec = K345.numericInput('0b1000', o);       // 8
dec = K345.numericInput('-0b1110', o);      // -14
// decimal
dec = K345.numericInput('0d345', o);        // 345
dec = K345.numericInput('22', o);           // 22
dec = K345.numericInput('007', o);          // 7 (leading 0 doesn't trigger octal)
// octal
dec = K345.numericInput('0o15', o);         // 13
dec = K345.numericInput('0o100', o);        // 64
// e notation
dec = K345.numericInput('2E3', o);          // 2000
dec = K345.numericInput('-3.14E3', o);      // -3140
dec = K345.numericInput('2222E-2', o);      // 22.22
// exponential and root
dec = K345.numericInput('2 ^ 3', o);        // 8
dec = K345.numericInput('4 pow 3', o);      // 64
dec = K345.numericInput('5 ** 4', o);       // 625
dec = K345.numericInput('3 √ 27', o);       // 3
dec = K345.numericInput('√ 16', o);         // 4
dec = K345.numericInput('root 25', o);      // 5
dec = K345.numericInput('4 rt 16', o);      // 2
// Boolean conversion
dec = K345.numericInput('true', o);         // 1
dec = K345.numericInput(true, o);           // 1
dec = K345.numericInput('false', o);        // 0
dec = K345.numericInput(false, o);          // 0
// misc numeral systems
dec = K345.numericInput('FF[16]', o);       // 255 (hey, that's hex!)
dec = K345.numericInput('-42[10]', o);      // -42 (base 10 => decimal)
dec = K345.numericInput('hi[23]', o);       // 409 (17*23 + 18)
dec = K345.numericInput('200[12]', o);      // 288 (2*12*12 + 0 * 12 + 0 * 1)
// roman
dec = K345.numericInput('MMX', o);          // 2010
dec = K345.numericInput('V*M D CC L I', o); // 5751
dec = K345.numericInput('M X*M', o);        // 9000
dec = K345.numericInput('C*M M*M M', o);    // 901000
dec = K345.numericInput('IV', o);           // 4
dec = K345.numericInput('IIII', o);         // 4

Enable / Disable numeral systems

It is possible to allow only specific numeral systems by setting the value(s) of corresponding properties of an object to true or false. This object has to be provided as second parameter to K345.numericInput. For each property not in this object, the default value will be taken.

By default, the most common numeral systems are enabled:

method acceptspropertyenabled
scientific E notationscitrue
exponential and rootexpfalse
convert booleanboofalse
roman numbersromfalse
other numeral systemsnumfalse

To enable all numeral systems, set the second parameter to {all: true}. All additional properties will be ignored. It is not possible to disable all numeral systems with {all: false}.

Using the second parameter
// examples for second parameter.

{rom: true}
// enabled: all default systems plus roman numbers

{dec: false, oct: false, num: true, sci: false}
// enabled: hexadecimal, binary, other numeral systems

{rom: true, num: true, boo: true, exp: true}
{all: true}
// enabled: all systems

{all: false}
// "all" property will be ignored if not true

Test area for K345.numericInput()

javascript is required for this feature.

test this method
test area

Enter numeral strings here.

create numeral string
      numeral string:

K345.rom2dec() / K345.dec2rom()

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Number|NaN num = K345.rom2dec(String roman);
String roman = K345.dec2rom(Number num [,Boolean group=false]);

Formatting and special chars

K345.rom2dec() allows (but does not require) grouping chars to increase readability. Allowed chars are " " (space), "(" and ")"

Some alternate special chars are allowed for certain values/operations:

charsame asvalue/opcode


usage examples
dec = K345.rom2dec('MCMLXXXIV');  //    1984
dec = K345.rom2dec('VIIII');      //       9
dec = K345.rom2dec('XC');         //      90
dec = K345.rom2dec('LXXXX');      //      90
dec = K345.rom2dec('XLII');       //      42
dec = K345.rom2dec('V*M');        //    5000
dec = K345.rom2dec('V•M');        //    5000
dec = K345.rom2dec('M X*M');      //    9000 => 1000 10*1000 => (10*1000)-1000
dec = K345.rom2dec('X*M');        //   10000
dec = K345.rom2dec('L*M');        //   50000
dec = K345.rom2dec('C*M');        //  100000
dec = K345.rom2dec('D*M');        //  500000
dec = K345.rom2dec('M*M');        // 1000000
dec = K345.rom2dec('(X*M)(C*M)'); //   90000 => 10*1000 100*1000 => (100*1000)-(10*1000)
dec = K345.rom2dec('L•M X•M X•M X•M X•M'); // 90000
dec = K345.rom2dec('C•M M•M X•M C•M M X•M CM XC IX'); // 999999

str = K345.dec2rom(90000);        // X•MC•M
str = K345.dec2rom(2019);         // MMXIX
str = K345.dec2rom(4444);         // MV•MCDXLIV
str = K345.dec2rom(4444, true);   // MV•M CD XL IV
str = K345.dec2rom(8948, true);   // V•M M M M CM XL V I I I